Shop Ruche Coupon Code!

Shop Ruche has generously offered you all a coupon code, good until May 1st. Type in the code thelook4less at checkout to receive your 10% off!

Make sure you check out their newly launched lookbook, but here are some of the items I think are great finds, and a dress that we featured here back in January.

This dress was featured on the blog awhile ago, it's a great alternative to a Catherine Malandrino dress (see original post here).

Have a wedding to go to this year? I love this purple dress, it would be perfect for any summer event you may have on your calendar.

This yellow ruffled tank will be perfect under a jacket this spring, or with shorts and sandals this summer (and it's organic!!).

And finally, to satisfy your floral craving...check out this adorable fluttery chiffon dress.

The best part about all of these finds? They're all under $50!! So go check out Shop Ruche's new lookbook and don't forget to use the code "thelook4less" to receive 10% off of your order.

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