Diptyque L'Eau de Tarroco

I visited the Diptyque shop on Bleecker Street today because I was desperate to sample the latest entry in their Eau de Cologne series. Spring is the perfect season to launch a new Eau de Cologne---and on my birthday no less! My visit was, in part, prompted by Chandler Burr's amazing 5 star review of the fragrance. Those of you unfamiliar with Mr. Burr should know that he is the New York Times first ever fragrance reviewer. He is a believer, as am I, that fragrance is like any other art form and necessitates critical review. Here is a quote from Chandler Burr's joyous review:

"Tarocco is an astonishingly perfect piece of scent work, an equilibrium of palely spiced fresh air moving through a dusky orange grove. It effortlessly transcends its genre. It is less watercolor, more oil painting, peaceful as a Buddha, elegant as linen, fresh as grass cooling in the evening."

He writes in a effervescent and poetic style that I adore. Read his complete review here.

I sprayed it on and fell for it immediately. There should be a visceral reaction to fragrance, whether positive or negative and this was all love. As the fragrance developed, I loved it more and more. All the elements come together seamlessly so that you are never sure what you are smelling at any given moment. This is a perfect scent. I appreciate all of Diptyque's Eau de Cologne series: L'Eau de L'Eeau, L'Eau des Hesperides and L'Eau de Neroli, but I have never purchased one, in part, due to the giant 200ml size. I am happy to let you know that they are all available in a new 100ml size that I find perfect. The Eau de Cologne series is considered unisex.

I very much enjoyed the store display, which included three apothecary bottle samples of the primary notes in L'Eau de Tarroco.

Diptyque's website.

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