r&r sample sale

last friday my gf asked me to go with her to the rock and republic sample sale in la, so i woke up at 6am, per her instructions, only to find out that the sale was actually next friday. so yesterday i woke up at 6am again, per her instructions, and we made our way to culver city for some serious shopping. would i have known what was in store i wouldve stretched and wore my tennis shoes. it was a full on battle zone in the rock & republic warehouse and i kid you not, people were borderline barberic.

its been awhile since ive been to a sample sale so i wasnt prepared for the extreme conditions. it was every person for themselves and people aggressively tore through piles of jeans and racks of clothes like seasoned professionals. after 3 hours of chaos, frantic digging, long lines and starvation, i finally surfaced with my prized possesions. luckily there was a food truck strategically parked right outside the warehouse. all in all, it was a very successful shopping day.

gray skinny jeans, black ruched dress, pony hair leopard heels, distressed gray jacket

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