Home Sweet Home

After my week of bumming around and visiting every LV boutique within a 50 mile radius from Miami, I am back in my beLVoed Virginia. My worst fear happened last night though. At 30,000 feet (don't quote me on this fact) the sun was glaring through the windows of the plane. All of a sudden, as we descended, clouds replaced the beaming sun and darkness enveloped us. IT WAS RAINING!!! My first thought was if I had a Hefty garbage bag with me. I scrambled through my cargo shorts but realized they were in the outer pocket of the Eole. PHEW. Luckily, I stole one from Arjay's cupboard and my fears were somewhat soothe. I knew DCA had its pick up area covered, but one miniscule drop can ruin my otherwise perfect vachetta. Here's a pic of the Eole safely wrapped. Muchas gracias Arjay!

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