Platebowlcup by Jasper Morrison for Alessi

I have been searching for the perfect espresso cup ever since my friend Roy gave me a Nespresso machine. I was determined to find something elegant and modern, yet durable. I did not want porcelain, because I wanted something with a thicker wall that would retain heat. For a while, I considered the classic Illy cups and then decided that the logo would drive me insane, especially since my machine is not an Illy.

I found these Platebowlcup Mocha cups while browsing Unicahome's website. I love Jasper Morrison and I already own his Knifeforkspoon satin flatware, coffee machine and bar stools for Cappellini, so I was familiar with his aesthetic and I was thrilled that they were so inexpensive. Cup: $6. Saucer: $5. I bought a set of four, as I have never had more than four requests for an espresso after dinner. They are in stock at the Alessi store on Greene Street.

I love the simple small squarish handle and the barely lipped saucer, which has just enough room for a sugar packet and a little cookie. They feel like they are from a very chic European airline.

Also available at

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